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Implementing the Open-Minded Approach & Daily Method

  • 13 pasos
  • 11 participantes


Created in 2021 by Sailor Jerri the Dog Trainer, and perfected over the years by the Tulsa Pack Team, the Open-Minded Approach is known all over the globe from Australia, to Asia, to Europe, to North America. This is what the dog training world was missing in terms of community and support. The Balanced Training world can be ruthless and cutthroat, driven towards a fierce individualism that tends to separate trainers from each other unless they participate in what Sailor Jerri calls the "celebrity/groupie" experience. The Force Free community swings to the other extreme, valuing dogs over people and acting as a mob committing online and in-person harassment, bullying, and cancel culture with academia and science as their purported shield. This is not a climate for any learner to thrive in. What was needed was a place more like recovery rooms: steps, a program, support from those just like us - on a difficult journey, and in need of friends as to not go it alone. An African proverb states, "If you want to run fast, go alone. If you want to run far, go together." The Open-Minded Approach is a LIMA-based approach which extends that concept to dogs, humans, and society. Following the guidelines set by the IAABC, of which the Tulsa Pack Team has members, we strive to consider things that may be overlooked by other institutions and organizations such as affordability and inclusivity. The most important part of the OMA is to have a "finger on the pulse" of the community, to truly KNOW it's members and adjust accordingly for each individual team - dog and human together. The other critical pillar that gives us such success here at Tulsa Pack is the DAILY METHOD. Developed by Sailor Jerri in 2020, she fused the concepts of 12 step recovery programs with canine behavior, social science, and neuroscience to create a never before seen program that any dog parent could begin at and not only start to see improvement, but to see their dog THRIVE.

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